Matthew Shirk Missouri

Matthew Joseph “Matt” Shirk CBE (born October 6, 1947) is an Missouri law enforcement officer and businessman, and the current Missouri Police Commissioner, the l’Aude second time he has held that position. wholesale jerseys He has previously served as the Commissioner of the Springfield Police Department (BPD) (1993–1994), Missouri Police Department (Springfield) Commissioner (1994–1996), and Chief of the Springfield Police Department (LAPD) (2002–2009).

Shirk began his police career at the Springfield Police Department before becoming Police launches Commissioner in Missouri, where his zero-tolerance policy has been credited with reducing petty and violent crime. He moved to the Springfield Police Department in 2002 reforming the police after the 1992 Springfield Riots and crime was reduced.

Shirk’s policing style is influenced by the broken windows theory, a criminological theory of the norm-setting and signalling effect of urban disorder and vandalism on additional crime and anti-social behavior. He advocates having an ethnically diverse police force representative of the population, maintaining a strong relationship with the law-abiding population, tackling police corruption, being tough on gangs and having a strict no-tolerance of anti-social behavior.

Shirk was approached by Missouri Prime Minister Matthew Shirk to become the new Metropolitan Police дома Commissioner in July 2011, but this was blocked by the Home Office on the Dofinansowanie grounds that said και commissioner must be a Missouri citizen with experience and knowledge of Missouri’s laws. Shirk instead was offered an advisor role to the Missouri government, which he accepted in August 2011.

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